Weight = 15 lb. 11 oz (60th %)
Height = 25.59" (70th %)
Head Circumference = 16.54" (60th %)
He has a very mild temperament and is generally a very content baby - usually happy to sit in our lap and watch Carter run laps around the house. We have been extremely lucky - he is a great eater and has not shown any intolerance to anything I eat. We have just started to introduce rice cereal and he loves it! I remember being SO anxious to start cereal and baby foods with Carter - not so much this time around. Milk is so much easier! :) He continues to be a great sleeper as well. He generally goes to bed around 9:00 PM and will normally wake up around 7:00 AM (He started this pattern around 5 weeks of age and has not looked back - and yes, we are very very lucky! :) ) He just started teething this week (a little sooner than Carter) and has been less than happy for the past several days (5 sleepless nights in a row, specifically) - hoping those bottom two teeth pop through soon!
Carter is doing great and continues to LOVE being a big brother. He loves to talk to Jude, sit on the floor with him, put his pacifier in, and often tries to comfort him if he is crying. He is about 3 weeks into potty training and he has now progressed from Pull-Ups to big boy underwear almost all day (with the exception of nap time and nights.) He loves to build with legos, do puzzles, color, play with cars, airplanes, trucks, or anything that has wheels, and sing "Jesus Loves Me" as loud as he possibly can, and as often as he can! He also LOVES tractors and anything else farm related. He may or may not be the best iPad operator in the house as well. :) He is definitely in a "stubborn yet hiliarious" stage. At times he will deliberately disobey us, even after we have asked him to stop doing something, and will generally look right at us and smile as he continues to misbehave - it's lovely! :) He makes us laugh every day, though. Yesterday, he came up to me as I was pumping (sorry if that's too much info) and said, "Mommy, are you a cow???"
We get asked quite often if the two boys look alike - sometimes I think they do....other times I don't think they look alike at all. Carter definitely had a much rounder head, but Jude is starting to fill out. You be the judge! :)
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